How To Stop Global Warming For Polar Bears

Polar bears are not endangered they are threatened.
How to stop global warming for polar bears. Polar bears ursus maritimus are the poster child for the impacts of climate change on species and justifiably so to date global warming has been most pronounced in the arctic and this trend is projected to continue. Polar bear food becoming scarce. Polar bears could become nearly extinct by the end of the century as a result of shrinking sea ice in the arctic if global warming continues unabated scientists said monday. The global warming is one of the vital reasons as to why the polar bear is in danger of extinction. Exacerbating the problems caused by the loss of these animals hunting areas it is expected that the shrinking polar ice cap will also cause the number of seals polar bears prey to decline.
In a 2011 study published in the journal oikos vertebrate zoologist robert rockwell found that these eggs provide a backup food source for the polar bears. Polar bears and the endangered species act most climatologists agree that the solution to this problem lies in reducing the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere a process which will require deep cuts in carbon emissions. To minimize their energy consumption the bears still hunt waiting for hours by seals cone shaped breathing holes in the sea. Downing one of these eggs is like. Polar bears are getting thinner.
Scientists hope that if we manage to stop the rate at which earth s surface is warming we can surely restore the bear s population as it was 100 years ago. Here are just a few important things we can do to help reduce global warming. Polar bears rely almost exclusively on a calorie loaded diet of seals. There s been a lot of bad news for polar bears recently. There are suggestions that before mid century we could have a nearly ice free arctic in the summer.
In recent years images of emaciated bears searching desperately for food have made the arctic s apex predator the poster child for the effects of global warming.